What is Internet Banking?
Internet Banking is a convenient way to access your accounts anytime, anywhere you have access to the Internet. Using an Internet browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator, you can view your account information via the Internet.
How much does Internet Banking cost?
Internet Banking is absolutely FREE to any Marion National Bank customer. As long as you have a Marion National Bank checking, savings, or loan account, you can utilize our Internet Banking system.
How do I enroll in Internet Banking?
You can enroll for Internet Banking by completing the online registration form on our web site. Simply, click on the Personal Internet Banking icon in the upper right-hand corner of our home page.
How can I ensure my security as an end user of Internet Banking?
Here are the steps that you can take to ensure data privacy: Protect your password from unauthorized use and change your password often. A Marion National Bank staff member will never need to know your Internet Banking password and you should never furnish it to someone claiming that they represent Marion National Bank. Also, you should exit Internet Banking as soon as you finish viewing your accounts. Never walk away from your computer with your account information on the screen.
How much of my account history will I be able to see on Internet Banking?
You will be able to see a total of 6 months of history, starting on the date that your registration is accepted.
I am still hesitant about banking on the Internet. Can other people see my account information?
Your account information is just as secure as it is at your physical brick and mortar bank. We have taken every step possible to be sure our system meets the latest security standards, including using the latest security encryption methods and software. Protecting the privacy and the security of your confidential financial information is our top priority. Your account information is protected by a User ID and Password that only you know. Plus, you may change your Password as often as you like.
I keep hearing a lot about encryption. What exactly is it and why does it make everything more secure?
Encryption is basically a way to re-write something in a code that can then be decoded later with the right key. The encryption we use employs a mathematical process for the key which is made up of a certain number of bits (hence, 128-bit encryption). The higher the number of bits, the better the encryption. While using our Internet Banking System, all communication from you to the system and from the system to you is encrypted using a maximum of 128 bits. In other words, when you send information to the system, your browser encrypts it using a 128-bit key, then sends it to the system. The system then decodes the information you sent it using the key (which is predetermined when your Internet Banking session is started) and processes it.
What about filling applications out online? How secure is that?
Filling out applications online is as secure as the Internet Banking system. Your entire session, from beginning to end, is encrypted. Our system supports 128-bit encryption, so you can also use the latest browser from Netscape or Microsoft that supports this security level. In fact, the highest encryption Netscape and Microsoft browsers support is 128-bit, so you will be using the highest bit encryption currently available if you use a 128-bit encryption capable browser.
What should I do if locked out?
After the third try at typing in the password, if it is incorrect, the account will be locked. Contact Marion National Bank and request the account be unlocked.
How do I access Internet Banking?
Simply click on the Online Banking icon in the upper left-hand corner of our web site. When using Internet Banking for the first time, click on the area that says "First time users, click here". This will bring up the Internet Banking Registration Form. Once you have filled out the registration form, click on "Submit". (Be sure to remember your Password because you will need it the first time you access your accounts online.) You will then receive e-mails notifying you of what you need to do next.
Why do some of my accounts not appear within Internet Banking?
When you enrolled for Internet Banking, you listed the accounts that you would like to view online. Internet Banking will only show the accounts that you have selected to activate. If you decide later that you would like to add a new account or remove an existing account from Internet Banking, you may request to do so anytime by calling Marion National Bank or by e-mailing us at: [email protected].
What if I need assistance using Internet Banking?
If you cannot find the answer to your question using the Frequently Asked Questions page, you can call Marion National Bank or e-mail us at: [email protected] and we would be happy to help you.